
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sever Sign Up


I just paid for the first month of the server and i'm waiting for them to set it up, should be done sometime tomorrow. After its up and I've installed all the mods, as well as build the spawn base then i'll be picking random people to help me test it out.

If you're interested in helping me test it post here. Please do NOT post in caps, use any form of spam, post multiple times, or do anything annoying. Simply say "Please, Sign me up" to enter. Any other entries will be over looked.

IF you're interested in playing long term and are willing to pay 3 dollars a month(75 cents a week) then also post here to let me know you're interested. It'll be first come first serve in that case, if the que fills up you'll possibly have to wait till next month (Less than 15 slots are open, currently!)


  1. Please, sign me up

    (Sorry if you get this on your youtube account)

  2. Please, Sign me up
    ooh and is your server online-mode=false?
    if else i cant join due lag off a acount.

  3. Please sign me up!
    That is if it isn't PVP as I dislike that.
    I'd love just building with you sometime, as you are the biggest inspiration in my work.

  4. Despite my naysaying on your ums and ahs, I'll fork you some cash for a server that preferably won't be wiped everyweek.

  5. Hey There!

    I would love to be picked to test your new server! Thanks for the oppourtunity to play on your server!

  6. Hey, I'd be happy and honored if you chose me...=)

  7. Ummm....I'm 13 I wouldn't be able to pay so yea...:/

  8. Hey, I visit your blog everyday (because I think you get paid for that). Any chance you could put me on a waiting list? I plan to get minecraft as soon as I get money on my paypal. Thanks for your time.

  9. Please sign me up
    Youtube channel:

  10. I may start inviting people either today or tomorrow, depending on when the server comes up today.

    @Gulp It will be pvp but only in certain zones, not world wide(That'd just be annoying)

    @GW Well there are no promises, atleast at first. I need to find a good backup plugin but that shouldn't be a problem, once things get started and stable though I don't even plan to wipe the server unless I have to.

  11. tyken its me jokerchild, please sign me up

  12. Hey Tyken132. Please, Sign me up for your smp beta testing :) Thank you

  13. Please, Sign me up for your testing and I'd be glad to pay to get on too

  14. please, sign me up for the testing and for the one you have to pay sign me too!

  15. Tyken! i would love to play with you. please sign me up :)

  16. Please, Sign me up! lol

  17. Sign me up man! I would love to test it and I helped drive you so feel free to shower me with gifts! Lol jking. I can test it but I won't be able to do the long term pay thing but anyways I'll test it lol
    -your fave fan Lukasbrowe

  18. BTW, I am not really allowed to pay £11.52 quid a year for this sort of thing. Is the testing free though?

  19. Please sign me up :)

  20. Pweeeeeese sign me upp never been on Minecraft Multiplayer before

  21. I would enjoy to test out your server, not bothered how long it takes should be fun I will try to get some cash as well.

  22. Minecraft Username
    Youtube channel:
    I signed up earlier but forgot to post my username


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I'd like to sign up Tyken! :)

    My youtube username is l0rddark ^_^

  25. i would love to sign up, forgot to before, my youtube username is badsniperdude, and my minecraft username is goofmanjr

  26. I did already post myself, but I forgot to mention my YouTube name, so I guess I'll do so here.
    My YouTube account name is TheMinerGlup

    As I already said, I'd love to join if it's not a PVP server.

  27. Hi Tyken. I Would really like to join the server.
    Love your show checking ur blog out, waiting for minecraft videos and even if i could donate i would do so

    If this is needed then(saw other ppl post that):
    IGN: denni199
    Youtube User: realdenni199

  28. @Thegulp I think you'll love how I plan to set it up. It'll have pvp but it'll only be for selected events, not global. So you don't have to worry about someone killing you if you don't want to.

  29. Please sign me up. YouTube username is Ixidorsbane. Thanks!

  30. Pleas, sign me up. Youtube username is: TheMcBeanie

  31. I would like to Sign In :) You sometimes see me in overwhelmed's server. My Mincraft Username Is Jadester97.

  32. I would love to test the server :).
    Youtube: Minecraftnate

  33. Sorry (durp) forgot my minecraft IGN

  34. Hey tyken as u can guess i would like to sign up
    YT: tpto100

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. please sign me up

    From ChihuahuaKnight
    On youtube

    Minecraft in-game name

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Registering my interest in the server:

    Minecraft name - chrisallen76
    Youtube name - chrisallen76

  39. Minecraft z400beast
    Youtube stupidhurts09
    I would really like to play thanks
    P.S. Tyken you are AWESOME!!!!!1!!11!!

  40. Im interested in playing on the server when testing is done :)

    Minecraft name: TonCobra
    Youtube name: TonCobra
