
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Exciting news!

I just got an message on youtube from seananners! I think I may have been chosen to play with him and notch on the smp this friday! I'm not sure if i'll get to actually live chat with them but i'll be there, i'll get to see them and talk with text, atleast. If you have anything you want me to say to notch or nanners lemme know now (nothing stupid or bugging notch about bugs/fixes, i'm sure he hears it enough)

Also here's a copy of the message I've gotten
Hello there, thanks for the video response! Please send an e-mail to -removed- with the subject "Minecraft." Include your YouTube username, Minecraft username, and video response link. Thanks!


Oh yes thank you Zarren364 for telling me about the thing to begin with.


  1. Ask Notch if he have been in Danmark :D

  2. You could enquirer about what some of the new sea stuff will be :)

  3. Talk to him about the sea, defintley. Like deep-sea-diving and stuff. With jellyfish!

  4. You Should Firstly Congratulate him on building this wonderful game and Secondly ask him to include Scuba Diving Gear as a new item in game :)

  5. Please dont say im not checking out your blog ;)

  6. @Dzin I said not everyone does :P

  7. tyken i love the double post of this.. :P am i really the only one to notice?
